Volunteering in Ghana – more past volunteers’ testimonials

“I wanted to thank you for everything. I have been back home for almost a week now, but I miss Ghana desperately. The experience was truly life-changing. I have fallen in love with Ghana and I’m positive I will be coming back. I am recommending this program to some friends of mine. I wish you the best of luck with everything! Give everyone at St. Moncas my love the next time you visit Minna”

Kiki Fornito (Athens GA, USA)


“Thank you so much for everything you did to make my stay a memorable and enjoyable one. I’ll recommend you to people I know who want to visit Ghana as volunteers”

Nicky Briatta (Chicago IL, USA)Β 


“Hey Rose!
My 2am flight was delayed four hours until 6 am – but I made it home OK! It’s really good to be back home, but I was just looking at all my pictures and it made me miss Ghana. I enjoyed my time at the school, the students were great and lots of fun and everyone was so nice. Thank you so much for such a great experience in Ghana, I will definitely recommend VIGS to anyone I know who might be interested in volunteering. Good luck with all your new volunteers in May!”

L. Carley (Frederica DE, USA)


“First of all, this month had been one of the most incredible in my whole life. I was very lucky as everything went more than fine. I loved my school, the people I was working with and obviously the kids of my class. My host family was absolutely brilliant, supportive and caring. I couldn’t dream of a best month to go by”

Aline Marty – (Ceret, FRANCE)


“Time flew by too quickly. I wanted to thank you again for making my stay in Ghana a life-changing experience…It is, in a way, because of your support and good advice that I chose your organisation instead of any other one. I will spread out the word that VIGS GHANA is a definitely trustworthy organisation. I found Gold in Ghana. Warm regards”

Marie-Eve Noel – (Bermuda)

VIGS GHANA volunteers at a weekend leisure event
Volunteers at a VIGS GHANA-organized weekend entertainment event

Volunteering in Ghana – past volunteers’ testimonials

“I loved volunteering at the school. It was a great opportunity to meet kids and to see how education works in Ghana. I liked the fact that the program was laid-back, affordable and flexible in terms of timing, scheduling, etc. What I liked most was the teaching. The kids were so eager to learn and so excited to take part in my lessons … I loved staying after school and learning the girls’ games and showing them some that I used to play. The students were really a joy to work with and made it all very worthwhile. Being picked up at the airport and having a bottle of water purchased for me on the way to the hotel meant a lot – it’s a long journey and I immediately felt like I was in good hands”

Laura Phelps – (Maine, USA)

“Hi Rose!!
Thanks so much for your email. I miss Ghana and the kids!!!!! I can’t believe I’m already back home and back to my crazy work schedule. My flight arrived safely, and I have just been getting back into the routine here at home. I can’t thank you enough for such a wonderful experience. You, Wisdom Community School and Ghana have been such a blessing to me and I will always cherish and appreciate my time there. Thank you for making it so memorable and impacting.How are things for you? I can’t believe it is April already! In a few more months you will have the rush of summertime volunteers! Keep in touch, and I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks again for everything, Sincerely”

Briana Weeger (San Juan Capistrano, USA)Β 

“Hi Eric : I am doing really well. Jennifer and her family are great and I feel so looked after. The teachers at the school have all been very supportive and accommodating and I am loving introducing the kids to computer studies. I hope you are well. All the best”

Victoria Lee Crockford – (Wellington, New Zealand)Β 

“Hello, how are you? I miss you guys so much. I wake up in the middle of the night either dreaming of Ghana or waking up thinking I am still there. I would like to thank your for the wonderful experience, it was unsurpassable…”

Gayle White – (New York, USA)

“Hi Eric, just wanted to let you know that I’m back in the U.S. and way miss my volunteering experience in Ghana! I think I enjoyed every single day of my six months – and it sure didn’t seem as long as six months! I’m starting up spring term classes at the University of Oregon on Monday where I am planning to get an English major so I can continue teaching…depending on God’s plans, MAYBE I’ll be back in Ghana someday, at least for a visit if nothing else! I would certainly recommend your volunteer program to anyone interested in going to teach in Ghana – it was an excellent experience. Thank you very much for everything you did to make things go smoothly.”

Natasha Kuckuck (Oregon, USA)

“Hi Eric,
I just wanted to let you know that I had a great time in Prampram. Albert could not have been more welcoming or helpful. He is an extremely kind and generous man and went out of his way to make me a part of the school and even to escorting me into Accra when I was leaving. The school is a credit to him – the children are all extremely polite and respectful and most importantly eager to learn. They were a pleasure to teach. I am sure that Rose has also told you that we got to take part in the 10th anniversary celebrations.
Thank you for all of your organisation. You made it extremely easy for me and I have really enjoyed myself. I left Prampram on Saturday and have been out to Cape Coast and Kakum. I am flying back to London tomorrow night.
Please let me know if you would like me to send any photos or anything for your website.
Kind Regards

Georgina Philips (London, UK)

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