volunteer teacher at work ghana africa vigs

Great-quality, low-cost volunteering opportunities in Ghanaian schools,  community-development projects and hospitals.  Sightseeing tours are optional extras.

Why choose VIGS GHANA?

School-related volunteer / internship opportunities 

We need volunteers, from both the community and abroad, to teach one or more of Math,  Science,  English,  Citizenship Education,  Physical Education,  Basic Computing and Information Technology, Kindergarten (Reception) or PreKindergarten (Nursery) in an African school – Preschool, Elementary, Junior or senior high. Placements available to intern as an assistant headteacher in a typical African basic school.

Non school-related volunteer / internship opportunities 

Volunteerism gets interesting as you help out at our orphaned children’s homes.

Also, health-care internship and volunteering opportunities exist for pre-med, medical and nursing students to work in an African teaching hospital.

Great program features include full boarding (three meals daily) and comfortable accommodation near your placement site. We maintain high standards on all our placements here in Ghana, Africa.

volunteer bedroom vigs ghana africa


You can volunteer as: 

  1. ASSISTANT HEAD TEACHER — Jump to Summary | Full Details
  2. CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION TEACHER — Jump to Summary | Full Details
  3. CLASS TEACHER — Jump to Summary | Full Details
  4. COMMUNITY HEALTH VOLUNTEER — Jump to Summary | Full Details
  5. COMPUTERS AND IT TEACHER — Jump to Summary | Full Details
  6. ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER — Jump to Summary | Full Details
  7. HEALTH-CARE VOLUNTEER INTERN — Jump to Summary | Full Details
  8. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER — Jump to Summary | Full Details
  9. MATH TEACHER — Jump to Summary | Full Details
  10. ORPHANAGE VOLUNTEER — Jump to Summary | Full Details
  11. PRE-KINDERGARTEN TEACHER — Jump to Summary | Full Details
  12. SCIENCE TEACHER — Jump to Summary | Full Details    

canadian volunteer assistant head teacher at accra school vigs ghana africa 1. ASSISTANT HEAD-TEACHER VOLUNTEER
If you are interested in getting a different kind of managerial experience and you’ve always wanted to do volunteering job overseas, this opportunity would suit you well. Your duties as a volunteer assistant head teacher will be to assist the head teacher with the day-to-day running of the school as well as with planning and adopting strategies to improve the school in all aspects… Read more /

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Volunteers needed to help school children to: Understand citizenship and community; Analyze critically issues in given situations; Make reasonable decisions in given situations, Explain the term ‘Constitution’; Explain how the Constitution is used to govern; Illustrate his/her role in sustaining the constitution; Explain ‘Human Rights’; Identify the fundamental human rights and freedoms of the individual; Describe ways in which the rights of the individual can be abused; Explain the need to respect the rights of others; Demonstrate ways of asserting his/her rights; Describe ways of claiming his/her rights etc.  Read more /

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african american volunteer teacher abena accra ghana 3. CLASS TEACHER VOLUNTEER (FULL TIME)
Class teachers urgently needed for deprived African rural and semi-urban schools. This program is especially suitable for professional teachers and students of teacher-training colleges. As a volunteer class teacher for one of the lower primary classes, you would be in full charge of your class. You’ll be teaching all the subjects: English Language, Math, Natural Science, Physical Education and Elementary IT. If you would like to experience how it is to be a full-time teacher in an African country, this program is surely what you need… Read more /

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The main goal of the project being the improvement of health status of communities in the target communities, the project will use Community Mobilization, Community Based Distribution, Capacity Building and Monitoring and Evaluation to achieve its target.

Key responsibilities:

  1. Home and community visits to educate on a selected health topic(s)
  2. Assist community health nurses at the local health center
  3. Assist local volunteer and community to develop / improve a community action plan and facilitate its implementation
  4. Organize community meetings and educate the gathering on a health topic… Read more /

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Volunteer teach computer literacy program, Accra Ghana Africa. 5. COMPUTERS AND IT VOLUNTEER TEACHER 
As Africa pushes to keep up with the digital age, Ghana urgently needs volunteers from both the community and abroad to help teach her school pupils how to use the computer — including also some of the popular software applications. The volunteer would help the children to:

  • Practice double-clicking the mouse.
  • Practice double-clicking to open icons on the desktop.
  • Use the space-bar and backspace to type words.
  • Use Games Apps to reinforce mouse skills.
  • Identify the features on the desktop screen and state their importance.
  • Type passages using a text editor or WordPad.
  • Save documents with a name on the desktop using ‘Save As’ command…  Read more /

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american volunteer teacher in ghana africa vigs 6. ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER VOLUNTEER 
Volunteers are needed to teach English as a second language to Ghanaian school children in Primary (Elementary) as well as Junior High schools.

You can choose to teach the language to any one (or more) of eight different classes (or ages). The broad aim of the syllabus is to help the pupil develop the basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing…  Read more /

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Healthcare volunteer-intern, Ghana Africa 7. HEALTH-CARE VOLUNTEER INTERN
As a volunteer-intern in a Ghanaian teaching hospital, you would assist with:

  • Checking and recording patients vital signs
  • Physician’s consulting room
  • Treating uncomplicated illnesses…  Read more /

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british volunteer kindergarten teacher hannah ghana africa 8. KINDERGARTEN (RECEPTION) TEACHER VOLUNTEER
Please help the preschool pupils to: Develop their listening skills, Expand their verbal communication skills, Develop reading skills and Acquire reading skills. Some of the activities you’d engage the children in are:

  • Guide children to beat time audibly to rhythm during singing and recitation. e.g. clapping, beating on the drum, tapping the feet
  • Children imitate actions and sound in selected songs, rhymes and poems
  • Guide children to act or dramatize whole /part of songs, rhymes/poems to show understanding and appreciation. Note: songs /Poems/Rhymes should include those on HIV/AIDS, Gender issues and drug related activities….  Read more

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Volunteer math teacher in village school, Ghana Africa. Volunteer with sightseeing in Ghana

Volunteers urgently needed to teach Math to Ghanaian school children in Primary (Elementary) and Junior High schools based on the Ghana basic education curriculum. The Ghana schools math curriculum is designed to help the pupil:

  • Develop basic ideas of quantity and space
  • Use basic mathematics and necessary strategies for solving problems encountered in daily life by recognizing relationships between numbers
  • Reason logically by selecting and applying criteria for classification and generalization…  Read more /

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ghana orphanage volunteer sarah vigs ghana africa sarah from uk 10. ORPHANAGE PROGRAM VOLUNTEER
Volunteers urgently needed to help out at orphanage home. The volunteer orphanage assistant will help to:

  • Maintain children in the orphanage by giving them the necessary care and attention as their mothers would have given them. This is achieved by feeding, bathing and ensuring general cleanliness of the children
  • Keep the girl and boys dormitories clean, plan extra-curricular activities, physical education, music and culture, indoor and outdoor games, morning and evening studies, organize excursions and so on
  • Organize children for extra-curricular activities such as sports and games etc.
  • Organize children fro extra classes after school…  Read more /

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Volunteer teach pre-kindergarten preschool in Ghana - with sightseeing. 11. PRE-KINDERGARTEN (NURSERY) VOLUNTEER TEACHER 
We need volunteers to help guide pre-kindergarten school kids to: Listen to and differentiate between sounds in the environment; Make sounds using bottles, coins, bells, drums, shakers and other objects; Help the pre-school kids identify objects and the sounds that the objects make. Children make sounds from objects around them e.g. beating the top of their tables, pulling or pushing chairs, tables, imitating animal sounds bells etc.  Read more /

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canadian volunteer graeme teaches science ghana africa 12. SCIENCE TEACHER VOLUNTEER PROGRAM
Volunteers needed to teach Science to Ghanaian school children in Primary (Elementary) and Junior High schools based on the Ghana basic education curriculum. The Science curriculum is designed to help the pupil to:

  • Develop the spirit of curiosity, creativity and critical thinking
  • Develop skills, habits of mind and attitudes necessary for scientific inquiry
  • Develop the spirit of curiosity for investigating and understanding their environment
  • Communicate scientific ideas effectively…  Read more /

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